Please read the table of rules from the Horna Orava Protected Landscape Area. After reading the content, proceed to the next part of the M3N registration.

  1. Kiting in zone D will be available to registered members of M3N association (only on land).
    2. M3N association will ensure that all new members will be informed about all principles of nature and landscape protection in the area of CHKO HORNA ORAVA before their registration. M3N will inform the member in details about the division into protected zones, provide them a map of CHKO HORNA ORAVA with defined zones and warn them about Snowkiting prohibition in higher protection levels in zones C, B and A.
    3. OZ M3N Association will inform all their members about Act no. 543/2002 Coll. on nature and landscape protection, in particular in the field of prohibited activities.
    4. M3N association has to instruct all members that in zonde D of CHKO HORNA ORAVA is strictly forbiden to drive motor vehicles outside urban areas. They are not allowed to park on Snowkiting spots.
    5. In the case of organization a mass event it is necessary to re-submit an application for an exemption from Act No. 543/2002 Coll. on nature and landscape protection.
    6. CHKO Horná Orava will receive a membership list of the M3N association, which will be regularly updated.
    7. M3N association is responsible of conduct of all team members (not responsible for safety). For non-compliance of rules, the member is exluced from the M3N association.
    8. M3N members are required to present a valid membership card when inspected by park rangers.