- Mapa spotów
- Prognoza
Oravske Vesele
Snowy and windy spot for East and South wind direction.
General Informations
If there is no snow or wind in the lower places, you should check out this spot. In Oravskie Vesele there is always snow from December to March. This spot is especially recommended for western wind directions – full potential of this place can be used then.
Live Wind
Wind direction
The best - West (W) and South (S) and their combinations (SW). In the southern part of the spot, south (S) and east (E)
750m - 856m
Small - 0,46 km2
Varied spot but not easy for beginners. Watch out for changes in wind direction and strength.
Spot Vesele owes its name to the town where it is located. Oravskie Vesele is a mountain village under Pilsko mountain, which is located at an altitude of over 800 m above sea level. Location and microclimate do their job – you can see a clear difference in the amount of snow lying there, when the temperature in this area is around zero. Usually – when is higher, there is also more wind, so if there is no wind in the lower parts of Orava, it is worth to start looking from Oravskie Vesele.
The spot is divided into the southern part (Basic Spot) and the northern part (Spot II). Basic Spot supports more directions and is more extensive. It starts from the south in the form of a narrow field with a medium slope. In the central part there is a hill, which supports most wind directions. It is also usually center of the spot.
From there, we can go further north and try to reach Spot II. However, attention should be paid to the forest – it is blocking the wind.. If we will not have right speed, there is a possibility that we will not have enough power to cross a narrow passage. In the worst case, it will be necessary to land your kite and do some distance on foot.
It is worth to chose northern spot II when there is not enough snow in the other spots. It is located at a relatively high altitude (850m above sea level). Moreover, it is surrounded by forests and snow likes to accumulate there and lay much longer than in other places.
Wind direction
At this place, we can have best ride with western and south-western directions (W, WS) Then we can get from from the south spot to north (spot II). They are marked in green colour on the map. In the southern (S) direction, we have access to the central part of the Basic Spot. In the east (E) direction, we will also tackle from south to north, but then spot II will not be able to reach.

pay attention
- Wind Effects – There may be frequent changes in the direction and strength of the wind at some places on the spot.
- With the small cover, watch out for protruding, frozen soil and stones, especially where the surface is visibly plowed.
- How to get to this spot – more information below.
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