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Zubrohlava - Two Towers
The biggest sport in Orava
General Information
If you are looking for a spot where you will be able to discover new areas and do tacks several kilometers long – you should choose Zubrohlava. The largest spot in Orava with a beautiful view on Western Tatra mountains.
Wind Direction
All directions except North. The best is West (W) and South (S) wind and their combinations (SW).
620m do 750m above sea level
Very extensive - 4.7 km2
Varied spot. For beginners and advanced.
Spot is located at the Oravskie Lake – between villages Zubrohlava and Bobrov. It owes its name to two broadcasting towers, which are located near the place where the ride usually begins.
Spot covers an area of almost 5 km2, it is the largest and at the same time the most diversified spot in the Slovak Orava. Usually, slopes are slightly or moderately sloped with western and southern exposure (in the middle of the spot also northern).
In the middle of the spot we have forest and groves. With beautiful views of the vast fields and Western Tatras, we can easily say – this is one of the most open and picturesque Cross Country spots in Orava.
In the south-eastern part of spot, in Bobrov, there is a large flat section, perfect for beginners. However, you should pay special attention to the high-voltage line that runs along the national road – to the eastern parts of the beginner area (green on the map)
This spot is one of the lowest in Orava, with the recent warmer winters, amount of snow on fields were not enough for snowkiting in some periods of winter. If you see chafing in the snow and protruding ground – choose higher located spots.
Video from Two Towers spot
wind direction
Due to the south-west exposure, the most frequently blowing directions are best placed there, i.e. west (W), south (S) and their combinations. This place also serves the south-east and east directions. With this wind, we recommend setting up camp in Bobrov (parking lot II).
The spot is not recommended for northern directions due to wind turbulence caused by the natural barriers of the terrain (forest, hill)

pay attention
- The spot is very extensive, made of fields with different surfaces – pay attention to fixed elements, such as fences, stones, etc.
- Two broadcast towers – keep your distance
- Medium voltage line – keep your distance
- With a small snow cover, watch out for protruding, frozen soil and stones, especially where the ground is visibly plowed.
- Access to the spot – more information below.

Access and parking
When choosing a place to park, we usually have to use it courtesy of locals and park on the road next to private properties. Usually in Żubrohlava at ul. Skladanova
Navigation – Żubrohlava Parking 1
If you want to have access to the eastern-southern part of the spot, it’s better to leave car in Bobrov.
Navigation – Bobrov Parking II

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